Assignments #1

Assignments 8
Ms. Canaday
9/9/13 – 10/9/13

9/9 – 9/13

1)  Due Wed. 9/11.  Write a personal essay in which you describe a time when you experienced someone making incorrect assumptions about another person.  You can be directly involved (either as the “assumer” or the person assumed about) or indirectly involved by being a bystander.  Make the situation feel real to the reader by including excellent detail that establishes who these people are as well as what is at stake in the incident.  What was the outcome of the situation?  (2 pages double-spaced.)

2)  Due Thursday 9/12:  Read in TKAM chapters 1 and 2.   
  (Look for a clue for the year in which the story begins.)

3)  Due Friday 9/13:  Read in  To Kill a Mockingbird chaps. 3 and 4.   
Suggested blog topics:
            a)  Begin a list of items found in the tree.  What do you think they mean?
            b) What do you make of the last line of Chapter 4?

9/16 – 9/20

1)  Read chaps. 5 and 6. 
Suggested blog topics:
            a)  Describe Scout’s relationship with Calpurnia.  Can we trust Scout’s perspective on this issue?
            b)  What clues do you have about Miss Maudie’s character?
            c)  What does it mean that “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets?” p. 46
            d)  Why do the children play the “Radley Game”?
            e)  What does Scout mean by “It was then that Jem and I first began to part company?” p.56

2)  Read in TKAM Chaps. 7, 8. 
Suggested blog topics:
            a)  In ch. 7 explain Jem’s statement: “When I went back they were folded across the fence                       . . .  like they were expectin’ me.”
            b)  How did Scout wind up with a blanket across her shoulders?
3)  Read in TKAM  chaps.  9, 10
Suggested blog topics :
            a)  Discuss Atticus’s explanation of the case to Scout.  What does he mean by “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win”?
            b)  Why do you think Atticus never let on he was an expert marksman?

4)  Read in TKAM chaps 11, 12
Suggested blog topics:
a)  Why does Atticus consider it a sin to kill a mockingbird but okay to kill a mad dog?
b)  Explain Atticus’s definition of courage (at end of ch. 11).
c)  What do you learn about Calpurnia and the black community in town?

9/23 – 9/27

1)  Read chaps. 13, 14.
Suggested blog topics: 
a)  What affect does Aunt Alexandra have on the routines of Atticus, Jem, and Scout? 
b)  Explain the last line of ch. 13.

2)  Read chaps.  15, 16.
Suggested blog topics:
a)  What was it that caused a mob to form?  To disperse?  Why do people do things while part of a mob they wouldn’t do if on their own?
b)  Why is Dolphus Raymond in the book?

3) Read Chaps. 17, 18.
Suggested blog topics:
a)  Think about the description of the Ewell place.  Why are there geraniums in that yard?
b)  Pay very close attention to the testimonies.  Are there inconsistencies?

4)  Read chaps.  19, 20
Suggested blog topics:
a)  Why was Tom in such a difficult spot once he set foot in the Ewell house?
b)  What are the techniques Gilmer uses to intimidate Tom?  Why does Dill cry?
9/30 – 10/4

1)  Read chaps. 21, 22,
Suggested blog topics:
a)  Just before the court hears the verdict, Scout imagines Atticus “walk into the street, raise a rifle to his shoulder and pull the trigger, but watching all the time knowing the gun was empty.” What is the significance of this line?
b)  Explain Reverend Sykes’ statement, “Miss Jean Louise, stand up.  Your father’s passin’.”
c)  Describe the town’s response to the trial using Miss Maudie, Miss Stephanie and Bob Ewell as examples.

2)  Read Chapters 23, 24, 25. 
            Blog topic suggestions:

3)  Read Chaps. 26, 27.     Read Materials about the Scottsboro case (handed out in class).  In your notes write the similarities and differences between this real event and the Tom Robinson case.

Blog topics:  your choice

4)  Finish TKAM.
            Blog topics:  your choice

10/7 – 10/9

1)  Begin TKAM essay due Wed 10/9.  Topic announced in class.

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